Sheila's Motto

"Endeavor to enhance the lives of others through education and encouragement."

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Poetry & Prose ~~ "Thank You, Lord"

"Thank You"
(A Prayer)

Your grace so freely given
Your fruit so generously shared
The best wine poured daily
Your living water forever pure—
Suitable only for the purest—
You, your heavenly hosts—
But not for me.

YOU struck the Rock
That I might drink freely.
Some days sipping
Some days thirstily, greedily.
Never offended
You are always eager to share and to bless.

In this wee morning hour
My lips moistened with Your sweetness
I thank You.

You love me
And I love You.
YOU love me, MORE
And I love you more.

Thank You.  


Contributed by Terry Finnerty who believes that God has created each of us for a personal, intimate relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ; and He communicates with us, now, through His Word and Holy Spirit, through nature, and through His inspiration of others; and that we respond to Him, if we choose, literally, through the medium that is unique to each of us-- written words, prayers, music, art, silence, and sometimes, tears. I wholeheartedly agree with Terry's belief and statement in this regard.

For this guest blog, Terry shares a prayer in the form of a poem that he wrote late one night or early morning almost two years ago.  He hopes God likes it, and that you do, too!  

Terry lives with his wife of 37 years, Terri Anne.  He's journaled for years with the intention of sharing thoughts with their two sons and daughter-in-law, surviving siblings, and friends.  Much of what he's written lately has been conversations with God from devotional periods of Bible study and other inspirational reading, prayer walks, and photography sessions.  Writing helps to deepen his awareness of his life and his relationship with Jesus Christ. Pens and pencils -- Michelangelo's chisels that reveal the Davids (or Davidas) that God has created all of us to be.

Happy Reading in Poetry's Presence.

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