Sheila's Motto

"Endeavor to enhance the lives of others through education and encouragement."

Friday, July 29, 2016

Science With The Grandkiddos

During one of the grandkiddos' recent visits, they made two ice cube trays of citrus slices.  These have been such a nice relief during our recent one hundred degree temperatures.

Depending upon the ages of your grandchildren, you may have to slice the lemon or lime into small wedges for them.

If your grandchildren are old enough, they can read the instructions for themselves:

1. Rinse a lemon or lime, dry with paper towel, and cut into small slices or wedges.

2.  Place one wedge into each compartment of the ice tray.

3.  Place the ice tray in the freezer overnight.  Invert the tray to remove the cubes.  If you only desire to use one or two at a time, they can be removed from the tray by grasping the citrus wedge.

4.  This is a fun way to explain to young children how water can be a liquid and a solid.

5.  Other suggestions for the citrus wedges ~~ place them inside a glass of iced or hot tea or a citrus drink!

Happy Reading & Learning.  Stay cool!

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