Sheila's Motto

"Endeavor to enhance the lives of others through education and encouragement."

Friday, May 27, 2016

Poetry & Prose ~~ "In Memory of You"


I can close my eyes
        and vividly see you.
It’s as if you’re forever
        plainly in view.

Your smile never fades
        nor the look in your eye.
The words you so often spoke
        still make me cry.

Your favorite food, activity, and song
        I can readily recall.
When we celebrated those
        we really had a ball.

Framed photos speak volumes
        and bring a smile to my face.
The trips down memory lane
        are filled with such grace.

I’ve stopped counting the time
         since you left this earth.
That exercise is too painful
        so I choose to divert.

All of our days were fashioned
        before one of them dawned.
In a fleeting moment
        it seems as if they’re gone.

My love for you
        will always remain true.
So I’m penning these words
        in memory of you.
Happy Reading in Poetry's Presence.

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1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful tribute to your parents Sheila. I love this poem!
